Carol’s Medical Journal Articles
In addition to writing hundreds of articles in the popular press, Carol has contributed to numerous scientific articles published in Medical Journals:

The Yoga for Seniors “Continuum of Practice”: How to Create Safe and Effective Posture Modifications
July 2023 | Open PDF

Yoga and Mindfulness Intervention for Concussion Recovery
January 2023 | Open Outside Website

Relax into Yoga for Seniors: An Evidence-Informed Update – Enhancing Benefits and Reducing Risk in a Uniquely Vulnerable Age Group
August 2022 | Open Outside Website

Adverse Events Associated with Yoga: A Systematic Review of Published Case Reports and Case Series
Published online in PLOS One, Oct. 16, 2013
October 2013 | Open Outside Website

Teaching yoga to seniors: essential considerations to enhance safety and reduce risk in a uniquely vulnerable age group
Seniors age 65 and older represent the fastest-growing sector of the population and, like many Americans, are increasingly drawn to yoga. This presents both an extraordinary opportunity and a serious challenge for yoga instructors who must be both a resource and guardians of safety for this uniquely vulnerable group. A typical class of seniors is likely to represent the most diverse mix of abilities of any age group. While some may be exceedingly healthy, most fit the profile of the average older adult in America, 80% of whom have at least one chronic health condition and 50% of whom have at least two.
August 2010 | Open Outside Website