The Joy of Motion
for Every Body

Helping people harness the powerful medicine of movement has been Carol Krucoff’s passion for more than 40 years – as a yoga therapist, fitness expert and award-winning journalist.  Duke cardiologist Mitchell Krucoff, MD, is internationally recognized for his pioneering research in several areas including complementary therapies in patients with heart disease.

The Krucoffs are authors of the book “Healing Moves:  How to Cure, Relieve and Prevent Common Ailments with Exercise.”

Their mission is to educate, inspire and encourage people of all ages and abilities embrace the healing benefits of movement.  

Healing Moves is based on these principles:

Movement is Medicine:  Since ancient times, healers have recognized the curative power of physical activity, and now scientific evidence supports the therapeutic benefit of movement.  Movement enhances the heart’s ability to pump blood, the lungs’ capacity to fill with oxygen, the metabolism’s ability to burn fat and the immune system’s defensive power.  In fact, virtually every bodily system becomes stronger and more efficient with regular exercise.  A growing body of research indicates that getting regular physical activity may be the single most important thing you can do to prevent disease and promote good health.

At a time when patients and providers are searching for safe, effective and inexpensive therapies, Healing Moves provides an ideal self-care strategy to help prevent, relieve and sometimes even cure disease.

Healing Moves is for Every Body:  You don’t have to be young, fit, flexible or thin to enjoy the profound health benefits of movement.  Healthy, fit bodies come in all ages, shapes, sizes and abilities.  Based on the yogic concept of challenging yourself, but avoiding strain, Healing Moves encourages a safe, effective and fun approach to healthy movement for every body.

Sit Less, Move More:  Just as moving regularly enhances health, inactivity impairs it.  Research from Harvard Medical school found that inactivity kills about as many people as smoking.  In our sedentary, stressful culture, it’s essential to find ways to add movement into daily life.  Healing Moves don’t have to take lots of time – climbing a flight of stairs, walking around the block, stretching your arms and legs can all contribute to better health.

Restore Recess, for Kids and Adults:  Find an activity you enjoy and make movement fun.  Daily movement is much more than a health habit like brushing your teeth – it can be one of life’s greatest joys, enriching body, mind and spirit.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Yoga?

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Do I need to be flexible to do Yoga?

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Isn’t Yoga a trendy form of exercise?

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What are the benefits of Yoga?

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Is Yoga safe?

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How is Yoga being used in Western Medicine?

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What is Yoga therapy?

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Where can I find out more about Yoga and Yoga therapy?

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