Private & Group Classes
Individual Yoga Therapy
Carol offers private Yoga Therapy sessions at Duke Integrative
Medicine, on Duke University’s Center for Living Campus, in Durham, NC.
Yoga Therapy adapts the tools of yoga–which include postures,
breathing and meditation–to the individual needs of people with health
challenges. Learn what to expect in a Yoga Therapy session by clicking
this link:
Integrative Yoga for Seniors - Master Training at Duke
In this Master training, participants learn from Duke medical experts–including physicians, physical therapists and health psychologists–about health conditions common to older adults. Experienced yoga therapists Carol Krucoff and Kimberly Carson offer guidance in safely and effectively modifying the practice for older adult bodies, minds and hearts. For more information about Carol & Kimberly’s Yoga for Seniors training, please visit https://www.yoga4seniors.com/teacher-trainings/.
Online Course: Teaching Yoga to Seniors
Study with Carol & Kimberly in the comfort of your own home with this 20-hour certificate course, filmed at our abridged training in Portland, Oregon. For information and to register, please visit: https://www.teachingyogatoseniors.com/
60-Second Stress Relief
Have a minute? In 60 seconds—or even less—you can practice yoga and gain significant and lasting benefits. By integrating quick, simple “micro-practices” into your busy day, you can create relaxing, transformative moments. And these practices are accessible to virtually anyone—regardless of age or fitness level. For information, please visit: https://www.dukeintegrativemedicine.org/programs-training/public/60-second-stress-relief/
Stress Relief Right Under Your Nose
A relaxed abdominal breath is nature’s own built-in relaxation mechanism–yet many people in our 24/7 high-stress culture are shallow “chest breathers” and miss out on one of the simplest, most effective ways to enhance health. The breath is the only physiologic function that is under both voluntary and involuntary control and offers a unique doorway into the central nervous system. Learn simple breathing practices that can profoundly boost health. Contact Carol to arrange a presentation.